#SendDatatoClosedFile #GledsonExcel How to Copy Records Between Worksheets with a Closed File VBA Macro for Sending Data (Records) Between Different Files in Excel Hello, how are you? I'm Gledson from the Programador Excel VBA Youtube Channel, in this video I teach you how to create a macro in Excel with VBA to send data (records) between Excel files, sending data from an open file to a closed file with VBA. ★ Subscribe to our channel: https://hotm.art/Excelgratis Follow Me: ▶ Excel Page: facebook.com/ProgramadorExcelVBA/ ▶ Instagram: / programadorexcelvbaoficial ▶ Gp. Whatsapp Vip Prog. Excel VBA (CHANNEL SUPPORT) https://apoia.se/grupowhatsappprogram... OBS: by supporting the channel you have access to our vip group on Whatsapp, support answers questions about the channel's videos and access to watch exclusive channel videos. BECOME A SUPPORTER FOR R$10.00 (monthly) and stand out in the job market. Good luck with your studies, Best regards, Gledson Excel VBA Programmer