The huchen is a legendary fish, a dream fish, a ghost fish. How to outsmart it? Where and when to look for it? We will answer these questions in the film together with Piotr Turek. This time we visit the beautiful Poprad. Catching a huchen is an angling ennoblement and the fulfillment of the most secret dreams, and this is exactly what we want to help you with! Effective streamer patterns for huchen and all the necessary equipment can be found in our store in Krakow and at www.salar.pl The equipment Mirek uses to fish: https://salar.pl/produkt-2391-k-134 https://salar.pl/produkt-1979-k-96 https://salar.pl/produkt-2653-k-169 https://salar.pl/produkt-2674-k-56 https://salar.pl/produkt-3990-k-55 https://salar.pl/produkt-896-k-57 https://salar.pl/produkt-4939-k-105 https://salar.pl/produkt-3500-k-26 https://salar.pl/produkty-k-82-p-0-s-...