So I brewed my current favorite beer, Gose. Recipe: - Heat 15 liters of water to 37 degrees - Add 4 kg of malt (2 kg of pilsner (preferably Belgian), 2 kg of wheat (preferably German)) - Heat to 65 degrees (60-minute pause) - Mashout (5 minutes) - Filter, rinse (5 liters of water heated to 80 degrees) - Boil for 10 minutes, then cool to 38 degrees - Add lactobacilli (yogurt or kefir starter, 2 bags of 3 grams) - Leave for 12+ hours to sour - Boil for 60 minutes - Hersbrucker Alpha 2.1 hops (25 grams 60 minutes before the end of boiling) - After boiling, turn off the heat and add 3 grams of coriander (freshly ground) and 10 grams of sea salt - cool to 18 degrees, sow yeast safale us-05