If you follow the technology market, you've probably noticed the number of opportunities that arise for a Data Scientist. In this video, we show you the paths for Data Science professionals to become recognized in the market. Whether you're starting out or moving into this incredible field. ???? In this video, we had the help of experts from Faculdade Impacta, who showed us how a postgraduate degree can be decisive in this journey. If you want to work in this field, we recommend that you check out the courses they offer. ???? ???????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????? ???????????????????? ???????????? ???????? → Big Data Engineering: https://codigofonte.click/impactabde → Artificial Intelligence: https://codigofonte.click/impactaai → Business Intelligence & Analytics: https://codigofonte.click/impactabia ???? ???????????????? ???????? ???????????????????? ???????? ???????????????????? → https://linktr.ee/codigofontetv ???????? ❤ ???????????????????????????? ????????????????????????????????????, ????????????????????????, ???????????????????????????? ????????????????????. Post Office Box: 91735 - Zip Code: 25620-972 Petrópolis / RJ → Editing and Audio: RW Studio → A video from the Código Fonte website #DataScience #DataScientist #BigData