Even though we seek self-knowledge, there is still a certain frustration that our emotional development does not keep up with our intellectual development. We end up falling into the same deficiencies, fears and anxieties. Is that really how it is? Today we are going to talk to the Communicator and founder of the Fluxo school, Carlos Cassau. We are going to talk about emotional growth and how to be a stronger person in this sense. How can we be stronger emotionally? What helps us on this journey? We are going to talk about this and much more with Carlos. Tell me in the comments how you feel about this? :) #EmotionalGrowth #CarlosCassau #Emotional _____ Join our Confraria do amor, a closed community that helps you transform your perspective on love! Build more meaningful and happy relationships with us at https://soltos.com.br And to binge-watch, check out our playlists: AFFECTIVE DEPENDENCE AND TOXIC RELATIONSHIPS: https://tinyurl.com/dependenciaafetiva SELF-KNOWLEDGE WITH EXPERTS: https://tinyurl.com/autoconhecimentos... PSYCHOANALYSIS EXPLAINING LOVE: https://tinyurl.com/psicanaliseeamor NEUROSES, CONTROL AND EXCESS OF EXPECTATION: https://tinyurl.com/neuroseexpectativas RELATIONSHIP BREAKS: HOW TO DEAL WITH THEM? https://tinyurl.com/terminosderelacoes MANUAL DA VIDA SOLTA: https://tinyurl.com/manualsolto ANALYSIS OF SERIES AND MOVIES: https://tinyurl.com/filmeseseriessoltas Don't forget to subscribe to the channel and like this video if you liked it! :) And come connect with us! Instagram: @soltos_sa www.instagram.com/soltos_sa