In this opportunity I show you how to correct the difference between the front and back waist using a simple technique, you will be able to see how the sides match perfectly in this basic and from it you can develop the blouse models you want. This video is a summary, if you want to know how to develop the basic blouse with darts from scratch, here is the link to the video where I explain it. • Basic blouse with darts. DRAWS P... In this video you can see the development of the back blouse basic. • Pattern of the back blouse basic... And if you want to see the whole thing; how measurements are taken to make a pattern, both basics and the construction of the sleeve basic, I leave you a list where you will find all the videos ordered for a better understanding. • Playlist Any questions or suggestions leave it to me in the comments, tell me from which country you see us. If you liked it, give me a like and of course I invite you to subscribe to find out when I upload a video and of course to support me on this journey that has just begun on the platform. See you, kind regards.