Hi guys! Welcome to another video on the channel! In today's video I want to teach you the step-by-step instructions for applying for your Brazilian Citizen Card. I sincerely hope that my explanation will help you to apply for your citizen card and enjoy its benefits. IMPORTANT LINKS: AIMA WEBSITE (information from AIMA itself (formerly SEF on the Statute of Equal Rights and Duties): https://imigrante.sef.pt/solicitar/es... LINK BRAZILIAN CONSULATE OF PORTO: https:/ /ec-porto.itamaraty.gov.br/ins... APPLICATION LINK (FORM): https://aima.gov.br/media/pages/docum... FOLLOW LINK (APPLICATIONS): https:// Siga.marcacaodeatendimento.pt... LINK ABOUT THE PORT SAFE TREATY: https://www.sef.pt/pt/pages/conteudo-... ADDRESS FOR SHIPPING DOCUMENTS TO AIMA HEADQUARTERS: SEDE AIMA AVENIDA ANTÓNIO AUGUSTO DE AGUIAR, 20 1069-119 LISBON IMPORTANT TIP: Regarding the validity of marriage or birth certificates to send to the Consulate to request a nationality certificate, which states that it must be valid for 6 months, I advise you to send the certificate even out of date, and try to see if they accept it (to avoid the costs of requesting a duplicate), I recently did it for my mother-in-law and attached her marriage certificate with the date 3 years ago and they at the consulate (DO PORTO) they accepted. Therefore, if for some reason they do not accept it, then ask for a second copy. REMEMBERING THAT IT DOES NOT NEED TO BE APOSTILATED (AS LONG AS YOU HAVE YOUR REGULAR ELECTORAL DISCHARGE). Big kiss, guys! Until the next video! #equalityandrightsstatus #portugal #residenceauthorization #citizencard #brasileirosinportugal #documentosportugal #brasileirospelomundo