Did you know that the topic “Infractions and Disciplinary Sanctions” is one of the most frequently asked questions on the OAB exam? This topic alone accounts for approximately 16% of the requirements in the subject “Statute of the Bar and the OAB”. This means that the real chances of one or more questions requiring knowledge of this subject are very high, and you should pay special attention to this topic. However, studying article 34 of the Statute of the Bar and the OAB (which establishes disciplinary infractions) is very exhaustive, and many people try to memorize the text of the law, but the high number of paragraphs makes this task very difficult and inefficient. Another factor that hinders your study is relating the type of infraction to its corresponding sanction, provided for in article 35 and following of the Law. That is why you need to follow our class, which addresses the topic in a simplified way through a diagram or mind map that will help you a lot when answering questions related to the topic. And the best part: YOU DON'T NEED TO MEMORIZE ANYTHING! So, follow our live! #infractionsanddisciplinarysanctions #oab #maxieduca