OPEN SYSTEM CONTENT ???????? THE BEST OPTION for PROBLEM ORCHIDS • OPEN SYSTEM CONTENT ???????? THE BEST... ONE SHELF with ORCHIDS, but so much INTERESTING ???????????????? • ONE SHELF with ORCHIDS, but so much INTERESTING... ORCHIDS and HOYA in one BED ???????????? REVIEW OF EPIPHYTES • ORCHIDS and HOYA in one BED ???????????? ABOUT... For orchids, you can organize artificial lighting using specialized phytolamps. Place the lamps at a distance of 20-30 cm from the plants and provide them with artificial light for about 12-14 hours a day. Consider the type of orchid: cold varieties require light with a more bluish tint, while heat-loving varieties require lighting with a more red tint. It is important to maintain a regular lighting regime and avoid overcooling or overheating the plants. To achieve optimal artificial lighting for orchids, in addition to using specialized phytolamps, it is also recommended to install timers for automatic lighting control. It is important to consider the needs of a specific orchid species and adjust the brightness and duration of the light regime accordingly. Orchids also need periods of rest, when lighting should be reduced. Place the plants near a window for natural light, supplementing it with artificial lighting to provide the necessary level of light and length of day.