I tell the full story in my first best-seller, Bolsa Blindada, but in this video you can watch a summary with 6 practical steps. . Take advantage of the promotion for the first 50 orders of the books Bolsa Blindada + Bolsa Blindada 2 from R$69.80 for R$55.90. This price is for both books! Access this link: https://bolsablindada.com.br/shop/liv... . Order your FINANCIAL PLANNER and organize your finances: https://bolsablindada.com.br/shop . VISIT MY WEBSITE: https://bolsablindada.com.br . FOLLOW ME ON SOCIAL MEDIA: . INSTAGRAM: /patricialagesoficial . FACEBOOK: /bolsablindada . Thanks for watching! . #PatríciaLages #SavingTips #Money