Do Heavier Objects Really Fall Faster... Do Heavier Objects Really Fall Faster... Support us via YouTube membership: become a member and get exclusive access to members-only content and be the first to see the latest videos. Or support us by donating once or monthly via Paypal! ► / @themeparkscienceofficial ► https://www.paypal.com/donate?hosted_... Making high-quality videos is something we love to do and will continue to do! All TPS partners work voluntarily. Any (advertising) proceeds will directly benefit the project and will be used for expenses and the purchase of new equipment. Follow us on social media! ► / themeparkscience Many thanks to our loyal partners who make Theme Park Science possible free of charge: ► Nick Stuy - Vinuts ► Danny van der Weel ► Jurnan Schilder - University of Twente ► David Habnit ► Rick Markestein ► Richard van de Ketterij - Themepark.inc ► Kevin van der Weijden ► Ricardo and Nancy - De Goede Photography ► Robin Wulf - animations ► Marcel and Suzanne - Twin Design ► Bastiaan de Waard - EVRST Music And all volunteers and friends not mentioned Check out our webshops! Pins + 3Dlogos + cd's ► https://www.pretparkwinkel.nl/theme-p... Official Theme Park Science Soundtracks ► via webshop or Spotify Listen to our Podcasts! Theme Park Science - the Podcast (Dutch only) ► via your favorite podcast app. With interviews, tips and background stories of the videos. Disclaimer: All images and audio are recorded in accordance, with permission, under supervision and where necessary with a permit. Nothing from this channel (audio, images, content and texts) may be copied. Filming in attractions and flying drones is not permitted without permission and/or a permit. Questions, comments or direct contact with the editor? Mail to [email protected]. Theme Park Science is non-profit. Our videos (including videos of Eftelflags*) do not contain paid promotion, such as product placement, sponsorship or recommendations. For all mini documentaries, the parks cooperate free of charge and provide us with guidance and access. Any exceptions are always stated in the description. Questions, comments or direct contact with the editors: [email protected]. * Eftelflags is a brand name owned by TPS and was the name of this channel. #Themepark #slagharen #droptower