For those in a hurry, the Rommelsbacher lid is now available: https://www.glaeserundflaschen.de/uni... The video content is available again in writing here: https://www.glaeserundflaschen.de/ste... Grandma Betty also explains the vacuum lid really well here: • Make your own homemade mustard with wild herbs... Keep chips, cookies and much more crispy and how a cold vacuum / air extraction can help. Vegetable chips and chips from the dehydrator, air fryer or oven become leathery easily because they quickly absorb moisture. Cold vacuum sealing is one way to prevent this. Vacuum sealing generally extends the shelf life of food. This method is also suitable for pestos, sauces, herbs and much more. Here you can find the lid: https://www.glaeserundflaschen.de/uni... Here is the hand pump that I use: https://www.glaeserundflaschen.de/hap... And here are vacuum sealers: https://www.rommelsbacher.de/de/konse... 0:00 Introduction 0:18 How can you keep fruit or potato chips dry and crispy? How does the industry do it? 1:49 In the household: A few ideas that don't work 3:29 The solution - the cold vacuum 4:47 The application (mechanical) 6:57 Application with muscle power 9:45 Note for commercial users 10:52 Vacuum and shelf life You can find preserving jars, bottles, jars, accessories for preserving and much more in our shop: https://www.glaeserundflaschen.de/