A traffic light on a railway is an order to a train driver. A railway traffic light is an element of the signaling and interlocking system. In automatic blocking, the interstation section is divided into block sections, the boundaries of which are isolated joints - this is the place where one rail is electrically separated from another. The track circuit serves not only to provide a closed path for the flow of current when an electric locomotive or electric train moves on electrified sections of the railway track, but also for the operation of the railway automation system of the signaling and interlocking system. An exit traffic light allows or prohibits a train from leaving for the section. On the interstation section, through traffic lights are installed and an entrance traffic light is installed directly in the station throat, which prohibits or allows entry to the station. The block section where the train is located is occupied and is fenced off by a red traffic light. To improve safety, locomotives, electric locomotives and electric trains are equipped with autostop devices and automatic locomotive signaling ALSN, which duplicates the readings of track traffic lights and stops the train when passing a prohibiting signal of a railway traffic light. #traffic light #railway #electronicsclub