Be of good cheer! We tend to feel discouraged given the difficult circumstances we face. But how does God encourage us in these difficult times? Check out the message from Reverend Arival Dias Casimiro. ➡️ Follow IPP on social media: Website: https://www.ippinheiros.org.br/ Instagram: / ippinheiros EAD Pinheiros: http://ippinheiros.org.br/eadpinheiros Publisher Heziom: https://editoraheziom.com.br ➡️ Check out the full schedule of IPP TV - Your Web TV 24 hours a day: https://ipp.tv.br #IgrejaPresbiterianaDePinheiros #IPPTV #ReformedTheology #HernandesDiasLopes #ArivalDiasCasimiro #IPP #IgrejaPresbiteriana #CultoAoLive #Preaching Presbyterian Church of Pinheiros Av.