Learn about our Postgraduate Course in ABA, now reformulated, with new Professors (100% Masters and Doctors): https://www.cbiofmiami.com/pos-aba Luna ABA course platform: https://lunaeducacao.com.br/ Lucelmo Lacerda is a Professor, PhD in Education from PUC-SP with a postdoctoral internship in Psychology at UFSCar, Psychopedagogue, Professor of the Specialization in ABA at CBI of Miami and the Specialization in Autism at the Federal University of Tocantins, he served as a specialist in the Working Group of the National Council for Special Education - CNE for the elaboration of new National Guidelines for Special Education. Many people with Autism are unable to have self-perception of certain behaviors such as stereotypies or social skills. Therefore, they have more difficulty accepting the diagnosis and seeking treatment. It is extremely important that people with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) have help from their family/spouse to understand aspects that they sometimes have difficulty and are unable to perceive. It is very difficult for people with autism to perceive ASD; they end up discovering it through observations by third parties, most of the time. To purchase the book Transtorno do Espectro Autista: uma breve Introdução, by Prof. Lucelmo Lacerda: https://produto.mercadolivre.com.br/M... Contact email: [email protected] Luna ABA Intervention Clinic: http://lunaaba.com.br/ Social networks Instagram: www.instagram.com/lucelmo.lacerda/ www.instagram.com/aba.luna.autismo/ Facebook: www.facebook.com/prof.lucelmo/ www.facebook.com/lunaabaBR/ Correspondence address: Av.