The pedagogy of enchantment is an educational approach that values sensory experience, imagination, and creativity as fundamental tools for the learning process. Proposed by Brazilian educator Rubem Alves, this perspective emphasizes the importance of awakening children's interest and curiosity, providing a teaching environment that stimulates exploration and discovery. Meet our speakers: Gabriela Mendonça has a degree in Cultural Production and Policy, and has over 11 years of experience in the area of designing and carrying out cultural projects. In partnership with Miguel Mendes, she founded Jangada Escola, a space for early childhood and elementary education that evokes intimate contact with nature and an anti-racist pedagogy. Lucilene Silva has a master's degree and is a doctoral candidate in Music from UNICAMP. Since 1998, she has been developing research on children's culture and traditional childhood music in Brazil and Latin America. She is the general coordinator of Oca Escola Cultural and represents Casa das 5 Pedrinhas in São Paulo. She is a member of the team of educators at Casa Redonda and Instituto Brincante.