Painted with this paint https://newton.ua/ua/ I'm on https://vk.com/id208483745 My Instagram / george_kosilov_ Email for communication [email protected] Tool: My wristwatch http://ali.ski/4l5b8 Smart watch http://ali.ski/8xbnM5 Step drill http://ali.ski/_B8rns Countersink http://ali.ski/euTzVs Glass crowns http://ali.ski/qHoyAC Swanson square http://ali.ski/BWgeJt Drill-tap-countersink http://ali.ski/4ycocB Set of wood crowns http://ali.ski/JRzrAp Electronic caliper http://ali.ski/G_9GKQ Gas torch http://ali.ski/mV93I Arrows for onions http://ali.ski/sVLgJF Turbo lighter http://ali.ski/MpR3D Foam generator for sinks http://ali.ski/wobTl Camping utensils http://ali.ski/_IKMbl My backpack http://ali.ski/8HpXY Subscribe to channel / @georgekosilov