On this tape I take you to one of the most beautiful and exclusive places I have ever been allowed to explore! The dreamlike palace of a jack of all trades: he was mayor, winegrower and council president - to name just a few things. This million dollar villa has been vacant for more than a decade, but its elegance is still unbroken. The wealth of the builder can be seen everywhere, pomp and show in abundance, a real house of money. Explore the countless rooms of a 100 year old villa with me and immerse yourself in another time... On this tape I take you to one of the most beautiful and exclusive places I have ever been allowed to explore! The dreamlike palace of a jack of all trades: he was mayor, winegrower and council president - to name just a few things. This million dollar villa has been vacant for more than a decade, but its elegance is still unbroken. The wealth of the builder can be seen everywhere, pomp and show in abundance, a real house of money. Explore with me the countless rooms of a 100 year old villa and immerse yourself in another time ... #lostplacetapes #millionenvilla #lostplace MUSIC powered by EPIDEMIC SOUND FOLLOW ME: / lostplacetapes / lostplacetapes / lostplacetapes / @shorttapes5604