HONDA CB 650R 2020 COOLING SYSTEM ATTENTION Hey guys, how are you? In today's video, we're going to have a big BO, at least that's what we thought! CB 650 R overheating, throwing radiator fluid out, dirt in the system and not circulating. Days of service, but after all, what were the problems? Let's check it out? I hope you like the video. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Online store https://shopee.com.br/nrfl45x571?cate... ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Follow us also on social media ???? ???? Japa's Instagram https://www.instagram.com/fuji_garage... ???? Garra Instagram / oficinagarr. . ???????? Facebook / garramotoscu. . Edited by Danielle Fujihara ???? Instagram https://www.instagram.com/dani.garra... ???? YouTube / @daniellefujihara Att Garra Motos Racing