Honda Accord 7 after 200,000 km! Still alive, or a DEAD BUCKET?! So I finally reached the 200k mark on the odometer of my Accord 7! P.S. The check did not light up) In this video, I want to show my car as honestly as possible after quite a long mileage. Many perceive my Accord 7 as an ideal car in impeccable condition, but this is not so! The years mercilessly take their toll! And the Honda Accord 7 is no exception ... alas ... And being the owner of the Accord, you always have to be torn between expensive tuning, or some other repair ... Tuning on the Accord 7 costs money and a lot of money! This is especially true for the body kit on the Accord 7 type S! But style requires sacrifice! My Honda Accord 7 is far from being in its final form, I'm in the process! And I try to get maximum emotions from the process, because when everything looks and works the way I imagined, interest will begin to subside! Honda Accord 7 after 200,000 km! So I finally reached the 200k mileage mark on the odometer of my Accord7! PS Check did not light up) In this video, I want to show my car as honestly as possible after a fairly large mileage. Many people perceive my Accord 7 as a perfect car in flawless condition, but it is not! The mercilessly years take their toll! And the Honda Accord 7 is no exception... And being the owner of the Accord, you always have to be torn between expensive tuning, or some regular repairs... Tuning on the Accord 7 costs money and money is not small! This is especially true of the body kit from the Accord 7 type S! But style requires sacrifice! My Honda Accord 7 is far from final, I'm in the process! And I try to get as much emotion as possible from the process, because when everything looks and works as I intended, the interest will begin to subside! Operators: Roman Mironov / union_unli Oleg Petrov / _petrov_oleg_igorevich_ My inst: / max_kalinenko Inst of the project "Just Max": / prosto.max_youtube TikTok of the project "Just Max": https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMeko44aG/ #accord7 #аккорд7 #200000km