Contemplation of the face of Christ cannot be restricted to his image of Christ Crucified. He is the Resurrected! The glorious mysteries commemorate the triumphs of Christ over the power of darkness. The Glorious Mysteries of the rosary encompass the episode from the Resurrection to the Coronation of Mary as Queen. Along this journey, the Ascension of Christ to the right hand of the Father and the Assumption of Mary become destinations that reveal not only the individual glory of both, but also point to the condition of the Church — of each one of us. Meanwhile, we are led on our earthly journey by the Holy Spirit, sent from the Father. Pray in a quiet place. Concentrate, meditating thinking about Jesus! If I saw any contrary thoughts, external noises, imagine Jesus. Don't take your focus off Jesus. For the brothers, who do not know how to pray ???????? I believe in God, the Almighty Father, Creator of Heaven and Earth and in Jesus Christ, his only Son, our Lord who was conceived by the power of the Holy Spirit; born of the Virgin Mary; suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died and buried; went down to the mansion of the dead; he rose again on the third day; ascended to Heaven; He is seated at the right hand of God the Almighty Father, from where He will come to judge the living and the dead. I believe in the Holy Spirit; in the holy Catholic Church; In the communion of Saints; In the remission of sins; In the resurrection of the flesh; In eternal life. Amen. (Large beads) Our Father who art in Heaven, hallowed be Your Name, Your Kingdom come, Your will be done on earth as it is in Heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us, and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. Amen. - (Small beads, 10x) Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with you, blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death, Amen! - Glory to the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, as it was in the beginning, now and forever, amen! O my Jesus, forgive us and free us from the fires of hell, take all souls to heaven and help especially those who need it most. - Oh, Mary conceived without sin, pray for us who turn to you! - We give you infinite thanks, Sovereign Queen, for the benefits that we receive every day from your liberal hands. Deign, now and forever, take us under your powerful protection and to oblige you further, we salute you with a Hail Queen: Hail, Queen, mother of mercy, life, sweetness, our hope, hail! We cry out to you, the exiled children of Eve. To you we sigh, groaning and crying in this vale of tears. Look, then, our lawyer, those merciful eyes of Yours have turned to us. And, after this exile, show us Jesus, blessed fruit of Your womb. O clement, O pious, O sweet Virgin Mary. Pray for us, Holy Mother of God, that we may be worthy of the promises of Christ. Amen. God bless everyone!