Attention! A poisonous plant has taken over almost the entire territory of Russia and is not going to stop! Its juice causes terrible burns, and all the flora and fauna around it simply die out. We are talking, of course, about Sosnowsky's hogweed, which was brought to the USSR in the late 1940s. The goals of this invasion were quite understandable - to spread a juicy silage plant to feed cattle with it. But alas - they wanted the best, but it turned out as always. Why did the spread of the weed get out of control? How exactly is Sosnowsky's hogweed dangerous for humans and for nature? Why is this toxic plant called a slow-motion disaster? And what are the methods of combating the "green occupier"? Sources: Anti-hogweed community website https://antiborschevik.info/ “AI predicted that hogweed will take over almost all of Central Russia” https://www.rbc.ru/society/30/05/2022... “A four-year study has shown that sheep grazing effectively reduces the spread of giant hogweed, an invasive and harmful non-native plant” https://www.nature.scot/trial-finds-w... “Sosnowsky's hogweed: what is the danger of this poisonous plant and how to deal with it” https://www.rgo.ru/ru/article/borshch... “How many “outsiders” do you have?” https://elementy.ru/nauchno-populyarn... Telegram competition https://t.me/sortirovochnaya/2661