00:00 TREAT HIV ON TIME and STOP AIDS 01:34 A retroviral virus that mutated from apes to humans 06:06 The main vehicle of transmission is sexual 10:11 Other forms of transmission 18:42 There is a greater risk that men contaminate 19:07 It is not transmitted by a kiss 23:27 The virus is in saliva 23:51 The viral load increases over time 27:35 It takes between 8 to 10 years for HIV to become AIDS 31:05 A misfortune about HIV is that it has no symptoms 33:06 HIV treatment is very effective and safe 33:20 A disease with a fascinating history 38:33 Tuberculosis, herpes zoster and oral candida: Sentinel diseases in HIV 40:25 Treatment before and after sexual intercourse 43:43 Each medication has side effects In this episode I talk about the Virus of Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) together with Dr. Edward Jones, a leading infectious disease specialist and HIV and AIDS specialist at the Keck Center for Medicine at USC. A highly educational conversation, and one that is not to be missed. We talked about the history associated with the virus, whose origin is attributed to the mutation of the SIV retroviral virus, which is found in primates. It is believed that HIV is most likely a virus that mutated in the 1950s and was a “sonosis” - which occurs when humans interact with nature. About the historic publication by the New England Journal of Medicine reporting the first two cases in parallel in San Francisco and New York, the three forms of transmission: sexual, by blood transfusion, including blood-to-blood contact, vertical transmission from mother to child, the importance of the viral load for contagion to occur, the relevance of the asymptomatic nature of the virus and consequently the window of almost ten years - average time for it to become Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome - to spread the virus, how it went from being a 100% fatal disease to a chronic disease, with up to three treatments that were synthesized in a pill. With that pill, viral replication collapses. The earlier the treatment is started, the more humanity is preserved. Dr. Edward Jones is an infectious disease specialist, internist and HIV and AIDS specialist at the Keck Center for Medicine at USC, and was co-creator of the AstraZeneca vaccine against COVID-19. HEALTH AND WELLNESS WITH DOCTOR SOTELO is produced at UNO Productions studios in Glendale. Produced by Rene Sotelo. Directed by Alberto Arvelo. Post-Produced by Carlos Knight. Executive Producer: Luis Medina. Associate Producer: Aleira Thomas, Production Coordinator: Patricia Gasperi HEALTH AND WELLNESS WITH DOCTOR SOTELO is a production of UNO Productions Inc. @UnoProductionsInc www.unoproductions.com All rights reserved.