Well, let's spend our holidays usefully with Adukar! As part of the autumn CT, CE-forum, Belarusian history teacher Vladimir Grib will show how to solve a typical test of centralized testing and centralized exam using similar tasks of the RT as an example. It will also be useful for those who are taking the exam on the history of Belarus. Be sure to join in to ask your question! 🔥 Sign up for a FREE TRIAL lesson to prepare for the CE and CT: https://clck.ru/32KsZV 🔥 Take the CE and CT tests online from Adukar: https://adukar.com/by/ct-online 🔥 All the education news here: https://adukar.com/ #adukar #historyofbelarus #ct #cthistoryofbelarus #ce #cthistoryofbelarus #ticketsonhistoryofbelarus #oralexamonhistoryofbelarus #targetdirection #ctforum #ceforum #ct2025 #ce2025