These are picturesque landscapes of the Digor Gorge… Here on the right bank of the Urukh River there is a small village called Zadalesk. It bears the name of a woman who is considered one of the key figures in the history of the Ossetian people. Almost every resident of Ossetia knows the legend of Nana Zadalesk, who during the Tatar-Mongol invasion was able to save Alan children and take refuge in this village. According to some historians, Zadalesk played a fortification role until the late Middle Ages. It was the northern outpost of the Digor Gorge. Due to its location, the entire area was visible from here. Even the houses in the village were built in such a way that it was possible to both defend and observe. _________________________ We are nearby at: vk.com/irystontv ok.ru/irystontv / irystontv zen.yandex.ru/irystontv t.me/irystontv