How was the city of Toruń founded? Live history lesson at 12:00, broadcast live. It will be led by Toruń tourist guides Dominika and Krzysztof Jastrzębscy. We invite you! Questions during the lesson can be asked via the link: http://m.me/KujawskoPomorskaeSzkola We encourage you to actively participate in the online school's e-lessons. After the interactive live lesson, you can ask questions using the comments below. The teacher will answer your questions. We encourage you to visit the e-school playlist and watch the other interactive lessons that were conducted live. In addition, there are also other school subjects there. Lessons are conducted by professional teachers and implemented in accordance with the MEN curriculum. Online classes are free and available without territorial restrictions. The lesson schedule and the latest information about the channel are in the community tab: https://www.youtube.com/kujawskopomor... #polski #lekcjapolskiego #szkola