Histological description of the Liver Sources: 1.- Virtual microscope of the University of Guadalajara (images) 2.- Ross, M. Pawlina, W. (2015) Histology Text and Color Atlas with Cellular and Molecular Biology. 7th edition. Buenos Aires (Argentina: Editorial Wolters Kluwer) 3.- Gartner, Leslie P. and James, L. Hiatt, James L. (2015). Color atlas and text of histology. 6th edition, Mexico: Editorial Medica Panamericana. 4.- Kierszenbaum, Abraham L. Tres, Laura L. (2012). Histology and cellular biology introduction to pathological anatomy. 3rd edition. Barcelona (Spain): Elsevier Saunders. 5.- Welsch, Ulrich. (2014). Sobotta. Histology. 3rd Edition. Mexico: Editorial Médica Panamericana.