00:00:00 'Open your eyes to the world of those who suffer' Pastor Kim Ki-seok, Job 14 00:38:52 'Believing even in suffering' Pastor Kim Ki-seok, Psalm 66 01:20:59 'Job, a story of suffering' Pastor Choi Jeong-gwon, Forest of the Old Testament 12 02:01:13 'Suffering' Pastor Choi Jeong-gwon, Gospel Story 22 Your support and prayers are a great help in producing the Bible School. Support https://bit.ly/3caGGt4 Easy support https://bit.ly/3cdgxcR Support inquiries 02-2650-7004 Is reading the Bible boring? Is studying the Bible difficult? No! Enjoyable Bible study time with good teachers and good students! Bible study at CBS Bible School (CBSBibleschool).