http://www.fedecultura.com/ecco-3-mot... Fede & Cultura has published the Traditional Festive Missal Summorum Pontificum: here are three reasons to purchase it, despite the serious obstacle imposed by Traditionis Custodes. Traditional Festive Missal Summorum Pontificum: https://www.fedecultura.com/?store-pa... Don Roberto Spataro, The Mass of the Future: https://www.fedecultura.com/?store-pa... Claude Barthe, A Forest of Symbols: https://www.fedecultura.com/?store-pa... Don Alberto Zanier, The Sacrifice of the Mass: https://www.fedecultura.com/?store-pa... Peter Kwasniewski, Rebirth: https://www.fedecultura.com/?store-pa... ❤️ Support the apostolate of the Catholic Tradition with a donation to the iban of Fede & Cultura: IT55Z0831511701000000008816 👉🏻 Subscribe to our uncensored Telegram channel ➜ https://t.me/fedecultura