In the format of a dialogue between two experts, cardiologists-arrhythmologists Valery Aleksandrovich Ionin and Svetlana Vitalievna Garkina will analyze a number of clinical cases of complex heart rhythm disturbances identified using ECG data and daily ECG monitoring. The main steps for diagnostic search in this group of patients will be proposed. Applicable to real cases from practice, the specialists will offer algorithms for treating patients with complex arrhythmias, which they use in their practice. Speakers: Valery Aleksandrovich Ionin - MD, PhD, cardiologist, associate professor of the department of faculty therapy of Pavlov First Saint Petersburg State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, St. Petersburg Svetlana Vitalievna Garkina - MD, PhD, senior researcher of the research laboratory of clinical arrhythmology, cardiologist of the department of RHA and ECS of the Almazov National Medical Research Center of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, St. Petersburg. Program: 17.00 – 17.45 – analysis of clinical case #1. Speakers: Ionin V.A., Garkina S.V. 17.45 - 17.55 – discussion, answers to questions 17.55 - 18.40 – analysis of clinical case #2. Speakers: Ionin V.A., Garkina S.V. 18.40 – 18.50 – discussion, answers to questions 3:18 Opening remarks 7:45 Ionin V.A., Garkina S.V. Analysis of clinical case #1. 58:00 Discussion, answers to questions. 1:07:30 Ionin V.A., Garkina S.V. Analysis of clinical case #2. 1:27:16 Discussion, answers to questions.