16th Circuit Criminal Court with knowledge functions PROSECUTOR'S OFFICE: 21 Sectional PROSECUTOR: 71 Judicial II DEFENDER: JUAN DAVID CASTILLO SANCHEZ DEPUTY DEFENDER: Erick Anderson Gonzalez CRIME: Accomplice to Aggravated Homicide MEANING OF THE ACQUITTAL RULING Reading of the ACQUITTAL Sentence Prosecutor's Office present APPEALS. For more information, you can contact me on the following social networks: 👇🏻 📲 💻 WhatsApp Bussines: https://wa.me/message/QLEHAJZAF6U4C1📲 📲(Colombia) +57 3147671517 Facebook: / 1022035108 👈🏼 Instagram: https://instagram.com/abogado_penalis... 🤳🏻 Twitter: / juandavidc7 🐦 Twitch: juandavidcastillosanchez 📲 / juandavidcastil. . LinkedIn: / juan-david-castillo-sanchez-3301001ba Email: [email protected] 📧 Juan David Castillo Sanchez 🧔🏻 Attorney Specialist in Criminal and Criminological Sciences Attorney Specialist in Criminal Procedural Law Candidate for a Master's Degree in Human Rights Externado University of Colombia 🇨🇴