Check out our live session on the theme: Health and Transcendence with Dr. Sérgio Felipe de Oliveira and Prof. Haroldo Dutra. Want to know more about the courses mentioned in the live session? Transcendence Medicine for Doctors and Medical Students: https://uniespirito.com.br/medicina-d... Transcendence Medicine for Health Professionals, Health Students, Holistic Therapists and other people interested in promoting health: https://uniespirito.com.br/promocao-d... Keep an eye on our social media and follow us to stay on top of everything! ???? Instagram: @drsergiofelipedeoliveira @uniespirito @caminhodasestrelasoficial ???? Uniespírito: Expanding the horizons of Consciousness. #PinealGland #MedicineAndSpirituality #DrSergioFelipeDeOliveira #MedicineOfTheFuture #Spirituality #Unispirit #Pineal #Philosophy #Freedom #Consciousness #Movement #Transformation #BetterWorld #NewWorld #SmartContent #SelfKnowledge #NewWorld #FreeMinds #Spirit #BodyAndSpirit #HumanRelations #SweeteningOfTheSpirit