He Spends the Night in Prostration and Standing Servants of the Most Merciful 2 Halis Bayancuk Hoca (Abu Hanzala) When we perform the night prayer, when we stand before our Lord, there are certain things and beauties that we obtain. I would like to remind you of some of them. We attain certain special privileges from Allah (swt). For example, Allah praises us. We see in the Holy Quran that He praises those who perform the night prayer. 15. Indeed, the pious will be in paradise and in springs. 16. They receive what their Lord has given them. Because before that, they were the doers of good. 17. They used to sleep but a little at night. 18. They used to seek forgiveness at dawn. (51/Adh-Dhariyat, 15 - 18) As it is stated in the hadith, after midnight our Lord descends to the worldly sky and answers prayers. For this reason, these hours are very valuable for those who perform the night prayer. Our Prophet also recommended the night prayer and stated that it is a habit of righteous people. The night prayer protects from sins and forgives sins. It also has a purifying effect on physical and spiritual illnesses. The value of the night prayer is emphasized by giving examples from the honorable companions. IMPORTANT SECTIONS 00:00 - Intro 02:59 - Introduction 05:29 - He Spends the Night in Prostration and Standing 05:56 - Those Who Perform the Night Prayer in the Quran 08:29 - Those Who Perform the Night Prayer in Surah az-Zumar 10:52 - Are those who know equal to those who do not know? 12:40 - Night Prayer to Prepare for Heavy Loads 16:56 - Benefits of Night Prayer 22:44 - Two Men Surprised by Allah #ramadan #Prayer #HalisBayancuk #EbuHanzala #Tawhid