Get unmissable products now to live your Advent well: https://loja.institutohesed.org.br/co... ROSARY OF COMBAT It is a powerful prayer of protection and cry for healing and liberation, led by the brothers and sisters of the Hesed Institute. By the sign of the Holy Cross, deliver us, God, Our Lord, from our enemies. In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Our Father Hail Mary I Believe In place of the Our Father: August Queen of Heaven and Lady of the Angels, You who received from God the power and mission to crush Satan's head, we humbly beg You to send the Heavenly Legions, so that at Your command, they may pursue and fight the demons everywhere, restraining their audacity and precipitating them into the abyss. Who is like God? No one. O kind and loving mother, You will always be our love and our hope. O Divine Mother, send the Holy Angels to our defense, driving away the cruel enemy. Instead of the Hail Marys: Saint Michael and all the Holy Angels, fight and pray for us. Prayer to Saint Michael Saint Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle, be our refuge against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God command him, we pray, and may you, prince of the heavenly host, by your divine power, cast into hell Satan and all the evil spirits who roam the world for the perdition of souls. Prayer O Lord, may our prayer ascend to You like incense placed at the feet of the Immaculate Virgin Mary. And under her protection may it be carried to You by the hands of the Holy Angels! Consecration to Saint Michael Most glorious Prince of the Angelic Hierarchies, valiant herald of the Most High God, zealous champion of the glory of the Lord, terror of the rebellious angels, love and delight of the faithful angels, my most beloved Archangel Saint Michael, wishing to belong to the number of your devotees and servants, today I offer myself to you, I give myself and I consecrate myself to you. I place myself, my family and my goods under your most powerful protection. The offering I make to you is very small, being a miserable sinner, but I have no doubt that you will want to increase the fervor in my heart and protect those who have recourse to you. Remember him who today places himself under your patronage, and from this day forward protect me, assist me in all the difficulties of my earthly existence, obtain for me the forgiveness of my many grave sins, the grace to love my God, my sweet Savior Jesus, and my sweet Mother Mary with all my heart, and obtain for me the necessary help to obtain the crown of glory. Defend my soul against all its enemies, and when the time comes for me to leave this world, come then, most glorious Prince, to assist me in the final struggle, and may your powerful sword drive far away, into the abysses of death and hell, the apostate and proud angel whom you defeated in combat in Heaven. Holy Bible Hesed Institute - Official Translation of the CNBB (6th Ed.) - zippered cover https://loja.institutohesed.org.br/bi... : Our Supplication - • Our Supplication DVD Ir Kelly Patrícia... 📲 OFFICIAL WHATSAPP CHANNEL https://whatsapp.com/channel/0029VaJA... Donate via PIX: [email protected] Bank account for donations: • Banco do Brasil: Ag. 0675-0 C/c: 106.184-4 • Bradesco: Ag. 2572 C/c: 318908-2 • Itaú: Ag. 3827 C/c: 99864-6 • Caixa: Ag. 2558 C/c: 3338-8 Operation 003 Donate via BOLETO/CARD http://doe.institutohesed.org.br/ 🌍 Do you live outside Brazil? Donate via PAYPAL: https://www.paypal.com/donate/?cmd=_s... 📲 Download the Hesed App • Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/de... • iPhone: https://apps.apple.com/br/app/institu... 📧 Mission request: https://institutohesed.org.br/pedido-... 📩 Send your testimony: WhatsApp: (85) 98208-4488 Email: [email protected] Or through our Hesed App 🔴 DAILY LIVES • Holy Rosary at 4:45 am (Fridays at 4 am) • Holy Rosary Miraculous Novena of Our Lady of the Rosary of Pompeii at 12:00 pm • Chaplet of Mercy at 2:30 pm • Chaplet of Combat at 6:45 pm #hesedaovivo #rozdocombat #prayerofthenight