Hello! Welcome to our channel. Here we will show you stories of people connected with nature who have a lot to teach us. In today's video we visit Robson, or Robinho, and he shows us a little of his story and experience planting thousands of seedlings, regenerating the forest and taking care of the waters where he lives in the rural area of Biguaçu, in the greater Florianópolis area, a lifestyle aligned with nature, with healthy food and healthy soil. He is a true guardian of native seeds and species of the most varied, from fruit trees, legumes and native to the Atlantic Forest. In the video he tells how he transformed the place where he lives into a true agroforest, with jabuticaba, juçara, bananas and oranges, yakon potatoes, jack beans, taro, nasturtium, mustard, sugarcane, jequitibás, saffron and ancestral medicinal plants. #intropicagriculture #farm #plants