The Turkish company's invention that surprised the world has come to life and its sales have started. REPG Energy produces both energy and water from latent heat and waste heat in the air and environment. This technology has brought a new energy and water source to the world. The invention can completely solve the world's water problem and is effective enough to start life on different planets... Water and electricity production independent of the grid. It has passed the project stage and started mass production and sales. This week's guest on the Bigsmall Youtube Channel was Hüseyin Karayağız, the Chairman of the Board of Directors of REPG Energy at İTÜ Arı Teknokent. #bigsmall #entrepreneurship #success #energy #water #water #renewableenergy #invention #patent #Patentedtechnology #Greentechnologies #ClimateChange #DeepTechnologyStartup #RenewableEnergy #EnergyFarmer #ZeroWasteHeat #Producer #GreenTransformation #AirWaterProduction #NewGenerationAgricultureApplications #WaterFarmer #PipelessWaterTransfer #WirelessEnergyTransfer #EnergyEfficiency #LowWasteHeatRecycling #DisruptiveInnovation #CleanWater #CleanEnergy #LatentHeat #SolarHeat #Waterthermal #Geothermal #Airwatergeneration #RePGIndustry #RePGWater #InternetOfEnergy #MicroandSmartEnergyGrid #MicroandSmartWaterGrid #SmallSmartGrids #SmartandSustainableCities #SmartAgriculturalApplications Aerial domestic water production Aerial industrial water production Aerial agricultural water production Residential devices that produce water and electricity are coming Era of dams is ending A new type of energy and water generation: “Renewable Resources at Home” RePG Energy company's astonishing patented invention has come to life and is now on sale. RePG Energy generates both energy and water from the latent and waste heat in the air and the environment. This technology has provided the world with a new source of energy. The invention is so effective that it can completely solve the world's energy & water problem and even initiate life on different planets. Independent water and electricity generation in homes, offices, factories, and even horizontal and vertical farming are now possible. Contact: www.repg.com.tr Hüseyin Karayağız, BDM/Chairman of the Board of REPG Energy at ITU Arı Technopark/İstanbul, was the guest of Bigsmall Youtube Channel this week. #bigsmall #entrepreneurship #success #repgenergy #repg #energy #water #latentheat #wasteheat #renewableenergy #invention #patent #GreenTechnologies #ClimateChange #Deeptech #DeepTechStartup #RenewableEnergy #EnergyFarmer #ZeroWasteHeat #Prosumer #GreenTransformation #AirtoWaterGeneration #NextGenerationAgriculturalApplications #WaterFarmer #PipelessWaterTransfer #WirelessEnergyTransfer #EnergyEfficiency #LowWasteHeatRecovery #DisruptiveInnovation #CleanWater #Cleanenergy #LatentHeat #SolarHeat #SunThermal#Geothermal #AirWaterGeneration #AtmosphericWaterGeneration #awg #RePGIndustry #RePGAqua #InternetofEnergy #Smartandsmallgrid #MicroSmartEnergyGrid #MicroSmartWaterGrid #SmartandSustainableCities #SmartAgriculturalApplications #Airtopotablewater #Airtoindustrialwater #Airtoagriculturalwater