He is Moderate in His Life Servants of the Most Merciful 4 Halis Bayancuk Hoca (Abu Hanzala) ✽ ✽ ✽ And when they spend, they are neither wasteful nor stingy. "They are not wasteful nor stingy in what they spend, but they strike a balance between the two." (25/Furqan, 67) Balance in Spending The servants of the Most Merciful are balanced in their spending. They are neither extravagant nor stingy; they spend moderately, decently, and within measure. Allah (swt) commands His Messenger (pbuh) and us through him: “Do not tie your hand to your neck (and do not be stingy) and do not open it completely (and do not be extravagant and squander). Otherwise, you will be left feeling ashamed and exhausted.” (17/Isra, 29) In the days of ignorance, the following measure was observed when spending: People spent excessively on drinking, gambling, and prostitution, which were praised by society; they were stingy with their families, the poor, and the traveler. (see At-Tahrir wa't Tanwir, 19/71-72, interpretation of verse 67 of Surah al-Furqan) Almighty Allah changed this ignorant measure and commanded a moderate spending without extravagance and stinginess. This balance that Islam brought to spending also provided stability to the economic life of society. Islam, which recognizes the right to private property, brought limitations to spending with its balance policy. A person cannot spend his private property as he wishes and degenerate society. At the same time, he cannot hold on to his property and deprive society of the circulation of goods. (see Fi Zılal-il Qur'an, 10/564-565, interpretation of verse 67 of Surah al-Furqan) Balanced spending varies from person to person. What is needed for one person may be wasteful for another. For example, a smart device needed by a software developer may be wasteful for a tradesman. A behavior that would be considered stingy for a manager may be balanced spending for a citizen in his own right. A person should know his/her own position, customs and religious guidance, and should spend according to these three measures. ✽ ✽ ✽ IMPORTANT SECTIONS 00:00 - Introduction 01:05 - Moderation in Spending 01:44 - Perversion in spending in Meccan society 04:02 - Today's ostentation ethics 06:24 - Those who worship their children 09:58 - Moderation in every aspect of life 12:47 - The balance between the hereafter and this world 15:06 - Being moderate in war 18:21 - Being moderate in worship 31:40 - The role of customs in establishing balance #ramadan #economy #rahman #HalisBayancuk #EbuHanzala #Tawhid