Answers in this live and especially here with this training which allows you to understand everything when faced with the other avoidant: https://systemeio-claire.systeme.io/c... And since it's Christmas, a nice promo at 48.50 euros instead of 147 euros thanks to the promo code NOEL valid until tomorrow evening! GO FOR IT!!! Do you want to understand the one you love? Do you want to make sure that this relationship goes as well as possible without scaring him away? Do you want more text messages and attention? The avoidant attachment profile puts our nerves and our patience to the test in love. A few words about me: I am Claire Stride. I am a consultant and speaker, trained in neuroscience, specializing in atypical people, overly sensitive (hypersensitive, ultrasensitive), dys (dyslexic, dyspraxic, dyscalculic, etc.), high potentials, ASD (people with autism spectrum disorders) and ADHD... and all people who do not fit into the boxes. My support in consultation and training, based on neuroscience and neuronal reprogramming, addresses the following areas: * life as an atypical and hypersensitive person * romantic fulfillment * emotional well-being * self-improvement * the power of the feminine I am also an author. My first book is called "Fully Me: Hypersensitive, Different and It's Cool!", with a preface by Alexandre Cormont. To discover it, it's here: https://www.amazon.fr/Pleinement-moi-... ► My website: clairestride.fr ► My latest book: My child is high potential and ultrasensitive: https://www.amazon.fr/Mon-enfant-haut... ► Facebook: / clairestridepm ► Instagram account: / claire_stride_atypique