HE COULD turn a car into a taxi! Rent-to-own is FORnication!!! NEVER!!! NEVER!!! RIDE-TO-OWN in St. Petersburg, rent-to-own. Driver's opinion. • RIDE-TO-OWN in St. Petersburg, rent-to-own. Opinions... ********************************************** Taxi fleet "KViK" ???? • Car rental, Volkswagen Polo, Skoda Rapid, Ford station wagon. • Flexible work schedule (11, 12, 33, one per car, 6/1) Part-time jobs on weekends and in your free time! • All cars are licensed and have online cash registers. This means that you will not have any unnecessary questions from government officials during raids and inspections • Cashless withdrawal from all aggregators • No additional fees, hidden payments or any of your own investments. *Honest Rental* • Cars are genuinely branded, which means the Driver's rating will not be lost • Maintenance, OSAGO, CASCO, service, means of communication (smartphone), child seats, at the company's expense ============================ 8 (921) 950 - 555 - 1 =========================== If you need honest conditions and human relations, then you should come to us!!! ********************************************** Tikhogo's Blog / @blogtihogo PURELY FOR OUR OWN PEOPLE PURELY FOR FUN ********************************************** MY VK GROUP - https://vk.com/club144556070 INSTAGRAM - https://www.instagram.com/tihii966/?h... TELEGRAM channel - https://t.me/tihiibiznes TELEGRAM chat - https://t.me/joinchat/GnJNNA6Jy6YqOhz... ********************************************** Narco-trash channel / @-channel3626 ******************************************* DONATION - http://www.donationalerts.ru/r/aleksa... QIWI wallet - 89095846710 Tin card 5536 9138 3310 9982 ADVERTISING IN THE VK and Instagram GROUP https://vk.com/topic-144556070_39098575 Commercial offers and cooperation [email protected] https://vk.com/id5213284 Telegram @tihii966 #work #taxi #car #rollout #quiet