The pillows he builds look amazing but they're made of stone! Link to the full playlist of the Network Heritage • Network Heritage Thank you for watching Network Heritage! To join the members club / @hashtechh Relevant likes https://v.redd.it/65ed1qd751f61 https://v.redd.it/33xd95v216d61 https://v.redd.it/41wf3rehtbd61 https://giant.gfycat.com/BriskNeighbo... https://i.imgur.com/lrVnmv9.mp4 https://i.imgur.com/Jr5Kl3c.mp4 https://thumbs.gfycat.com/AcrobaticFa... --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Eden's Instagram - / erimfilms Shai's Instagram - / mrshibolet Thanks for the light