???? MEMORIAL CONCERT "REMEMBERING NINA" ???? Watch the concert that evokes the memory of Nina Rešić through song and story. ???? • Memorial concert - Remembering Nin... ???? 〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️ Follow us: https://www.mprenome.com/ / zavicaju.miliraju --- --------------------------------------- Performer: Hazre and the Dragan Stojkovic Orchestra Bosanca Song: Djavo mala Authors: Tradicional - M. Pajcin ------------------------------------------- -- Album: Obris suze Release: 2003 Arrangements: Dragan Stojkovic Bosanac Music producer: Dragan Stojkovic Bosanac Studio: TOM & BOSS Recording and mixing: Tomislav Milakovic Computer programming: Tomislav Milakovic Backing vocals: Danak and Darko Solo violin: Dobrica Vasic Vaske Solo guitar: Ivica Maksimovic Max --- ---------------------------------------- Production: Renome Editor for folk music: Milenko Migo Doknic Chief and responsible editor: Predrag Drezdic Presa Director: Sinisa Kajmakovic ------------------------------------------- ------- ------------------------------------ Text: I'm not the first to grieve for your love, little one, you cheated on many guys and you gave poison to them Ref. You were born to seduce with the devil, you lead a circle, I don't understand myself, what will I do, miserable next to you? What will I do with you, little one? I want Ref. You have something dangerous in you, you lie skillfully, you give everyone false hope, everyone in the city went crazy Ref. ------------------------------------------ Label and copyright: Renome Banned by anyone copying video and/or audio recordings and uploading them to other channels!