ATTENTION: my Telegram group is open for a few days, join while you can! click here https://t.me/GianmarcoZagatoYT_bot follow the bot rules and download Dice Dreams, get to at least the fifth kingdom and then send the screen to the Bot! I'll be waiting for you in the telegram group with some exclusive surprises for you! #adv #sponsoreddicedreams Subscribe to this channel to access the benefits: / @gianmarcozagato My shop with sweatshirts, t-shirts and all the products created by me: https://shop.baciones.it DO YOU WANT TO KNOW A SECRET? https://amzn.to/3UyfI50 In bookstores DOWNLOAD GHOST BOARD: THE OUIJA BOARD APP FOR FREE: App store: https://apps.apple.com/it/app/ghost-b... google play store: https://play.google.com/store/apps/de... Business/collaborations and companies (other emails will be ignored): [email protected] OUIJA II: THE REFLECTION OF EVIL amazon: https://amzn.to/36NWGyM ibs: https://www.ibs.it/ouija-ii-riflesso-... feltrinelli: https://www.lafeltrinelli.it/libri/gi... OUIJA: THE 12 CHIMES AMAZON: https://amzn.to/2Z4X7SB MONDADORI: https://bit.ly/2NNI0px ebook: https://www.mondadoristore.it/Ouija-G... IF YOU LIKED THE VIDEO, PRESS THUMBS UP AND SUBSCRIBE 😃 I UPLOAD A NEW VIDEO EVERY TUESDAY AT 3 PM, EVERY SATURDAY AT 10:30 AM AND EVERY NOW ON THURSDAY BUT NO ONE KNOWS THIS SOCIAL NETWORK INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/gianmarcoza... FACEBOOK: / gianmarco-zagato-562145103820137 TIK TOK: / gianmarcozagato TWITTER: / gianmarcozagato OFFICIAL FACEBOOK FANPAGE: / 566624574212229 EQUIPMENT: SONY ALPHA 7 MARK 3: https://amzn.to/2sDXPdv g master 35mm: https://amzn.to/2sHISHv Kisses