An extraordinary story of dedication! Completed in 9 years Building an enzyme factory from scratch After completing his studies at Harvard University and returning to Turkey with a group of Turkish scientists, Dr. Serdar Uysal developed the national enzyme, preventing imports and making Turkey a partner in the 10 billion dollar market. The factory is in Tuzla. Enzymes, which can be used as natural raw materials in almost every field from food to textile, can protect the cycle of nature. In addition, it is a new discovery that plastics, which take centuries to decompose in nature, can be broken down with enzyme variants. The facility in the video is among the few factories in the world that can produce these enzymes. In the coming days, you can also watch our content specially prepared for this subject with Dr. Serdar Uysal on our Instagram and YouTube channels. This week's guest on the Bigsmall YouTube Channel was r. Serdar Uysal, founder of the biotechnology company LIVZYM. LIVZYM is the first industrial enzyme factory established in the region from Africa to Russia. #enzyme #biotechnology #food #chemistry #biology #bigsmall #entrepreneurship