Did you know that these are absolutely identical cars. You won’t find even 10 differences. Niva Travel 2022. 16 thousand mileage Chevrolet Niva 2013. 100 thousand mileage You can support the channel by card number: 2202 2021 3333 2183 (Sber) VK group, where merch will appear soon: https://vk.com/vladimir__timofeev Exclusive videos and access to the chat HERE: https://boosty.to/vladimir_timofeev About the channel: Hello, my name is Vladimir. I am an engineer, I repair and modify SUVs. I have a NIVA, a UAZ HUNTER and a tracked all-terrain vehicle under construction. I shoot videos about all this, which are regularly released on the channel. Interesting videos on the topic of tourism, travel, overnight stays in a car are also published here. Interested - subscribe and we continue to move deeper into the off-road) #uaz #uazhunter