With the title Happy Together is a Greek comedy series, which was shown on the Greek channel Mega in the period 2007-2009. The director of the series is Andreas Morfonios and the producer is Kiki Grigoriou. The series consists of 60 episodes, which are divided into two cycles (30 episodes each), as well as a special episode (television). The series is considered to be an adaptation of the Spanish series 'Los Serrano'. *Script Adaptation: Rena Rigas *Director: Andreas Morfonios *Director of Photography: Kyriakos Vlontakis *Sound Engineer: Aris Karaperis *Scenic Designer: Yiannis Tzanetis *Costume Designer: Katerina Papanikolaou *Production Organization: Loukas Giannatos *Production Director: Kiki Grigoriou *Artistic edited by: Natalie Douka Starring: *Yiannis Bezos: Dionysis Mavrotsoukalos *Katerina Lechou: Eleni Paleologou *Petros Bousoulopoulos: Markos Mavrotosoukalos *Ioanna Pelihou: Eva Paleologou *Aris Tsapis: Thanasis Mavrotosoukalos *Evi Daeli: Fifi Paleologou *Savvas Salipas: Giannakis Mavrotsoukalos *Dimitris Mavropoulos: Spyros Mavrotsoukalos *Alexandra Pantelaki: Ifigenia Saslidou *Evangelia Moumouri: Aglaia Pagona *Vivi Kokka: Vicky Georgiou *Tassos Giannopoulos: Makis Kotsambasis *Kostas Indzeyan: Mitsos Kotsambasis *Thanasis Tsaltabassis: Fotis Tsigdemoglou *Niki Anastasiou: Afroula Papageorgiou Title of Episode no. 51: The Iron Fly and the Steel Mosquito Will Eat... Also, know that all the episodes will be uploaded one by one (be sure to search because some of them may have part 1/2 and 2/2) the best moments and the best lines of each episode, i.e. the best of we sell them and I don't even know what...tspa) ;) Thank you...! All episodes together here: • Happy Together (Best Of)