Things that make our hearts dark. The title and thumbnail of our video are only taken from the clip, if it still does not represent the whole, then please watch the contents of the video until the end. Let's learn to be a better person, understand Ahlus Sunnah Wal Jama'ah better, if at this time we still can't come to the assemblies in person, at least give us all a shower to increase our insight into Islam. Who is Gus Baha? KH Ahmad Bahauddin Nursalim, better known as Gus Baha (born September 29, 1970), is the caretaker of the Izzatul Qur'an Narukan Kragan Rembang Islamic boarding school. Known as one of the expert scholars of interpretation who has deep knowledge about the Qur'an. He is one of the students of the charismatic scholar, namely Kiai Maimun Zubair (Mbah Mun). Gus Baha is the son of a scholar who is an expert in the Qur'an and also the caretaker of the Tahfidzul Qur'an LP3IA Islamic Boarding School, Kiai Nursalim al-Hafizh. #admiringulama #gusbaha