This is a guided meditation for astral travel (Yoga Nidra), to help you experience expansion beyond the physical body or simply to deeply relax and regenerate the body. At the end of the text you will find the typical effects of an out-of-body experience. ⭐️ Try courses and meditations for free for 7 days: https://iri.quest/ai-patreon ???? Other ways to support me: https://iri.quest/grazie You can do the practice at any time, but the most effective method is to do it in the early hours of the morning, after just 5 or 6 hours of sleep. If you have never had an out-of-body experience, it is good to learn about the various physical effects you may experience. At this threshold moment your mind knows it is time to start waking up, but at the same time the body is still wrapped in sleep. This is why that condition of a sleeping body and an awake mind is easily created, which facilitates the out-of-body journey. That said, do Yoga Nidra whenever you like, it is still a beautiful and powerful practice for healing, regardless of whether it creates a full out-of-body experience for you or not. We will combine this version of Yoga Nidra with the use of affirmations and rely only slightly on visualization. If you have difficulty visualizing, stay with the sensations in your body and don't force yourself. The first step is to find a suitable place and make sure no one will disturb you for at least an hour. If possible, choose a place other than your bedroom, because your mind knows that's where you sleep :-) . If that's not possible, perhaps you could lie down on the bed with your head where your feet usually are. Once you find your spot, settle in, make yourself completely comfortable and simply listen to the guidance of my voice. Embrace whatever experience you need most in this moment. No pressure, no expectations. Let whatever happens flow easily and trust that whatever happens is what you need most in this moment. You could imagine creating a little cocoon for yourself, a sacred space of warmth, safety, protection, a space where you can completely let go. Maybe with a pillow under your head or knees, a warm blanket over you, and maybe even something to cover your eyes and be in complete darkness. Take a moment to make any final adjustments… and let’s get started. ☀️ Typical effects of an out-of-body experience. During an out-of-body experience you can experience all kinds of effects. Although in some cases, you can find yourself outside of your physical body without feeling almost anything. The physical sensations can be very strong, but they are always temporary and there is no need to be afraid. The sense of physical paralysis is what generates the most anxiety, but even in this case you need to be patient and learn to relax “inside” the paralysis and then project yourself out of the body. The idea that once you are out of the body you can no longer return is completely false. It will be enough to think about the body to instantly find yourself inside it. If after the out-of-body experience you feel confused, tired and "out of phase", this is usually due to the fact that the energetic body has not realigned well with the physical one. All it takes is a nap for everything to return to normal naturally. Here are other typical effects of going out of the body: Ringing in the ears, heart palpitations, feeling of being paralyzed, hearing sounds and voices, feeling presences next to us, heavy body that sinks or levitates, sensation of energy and creaking in the head, sensation of energy that expands on the palate. ☀️ Infinite Academy: https://iri.quest/ai A space for the evolution of the Being. Explore the video courses, our guided meditations and all the free content. ???? Guided Meditations: https://iri.quest/ai-med ???? Evolution Courses: https://iri.quest/ai-corsi ???? Articles and Videos: https://iri.quest/ai-blog ☀️ Follow us: https://iri.quest/ai-links ???? Telegram - channel: https://t.me/accademiainfinita ???? Telegram - group: https://t.me/accademiainfinita_chat ???? YouTube: http://bit.ly/ai-yt-seguici ???? Instagram: / accademiainfinita ???? Facebook: / accademiainfinita ☀️ Credits Music: @indiemusicbox This meditation was inspired by the work of @RosalieYoga #guidedmeditation #spiritualawakening