Today we have compared Raiden Arab vs Gucci Afghanistan for you, both players are the best, we are waiting for your good comments. Please share your thoughts in the comment section. Please like to support us. Press the subscribe button and the bell button ---------------------------- -------------------------------- MY PUBG ID: 5447874496 ------------- ---------------------------------------------- 1st MONTAGE Editor: / @_dream3r._ MONTAGE EDITOR: Gamotion :: / @real7world BE MY FRIEND: ????Add me on Instagram: { / arsalannooriofficial } ????Add me on Twitter: {iamarsalannouri} ????Add me on Facebook: { / arsalannooriofficial } ????Add me on Snapchat: {iamarsalannouri ???????? ???????????????????????????????????????????????????? ________________________ MUSIC SPONSOR YouTube Music Non-Copyright ________________________ MY COMPUTER ???????????????????????????????????????????? Internet: 1MB Dedicate PC Requirements:- ---- CPU: Core I7 9700k Graphic: NVidia RTX GeForce 2060 Ram: 32 GB RGB HYPERX Rom: 1TB NVME M.2 HardDisk: 2TB LED: 43inch Non-Gaming ???? MS---60 ----- LONG LIVE Humanity ❤????