Kirill Rogov, political scientist — on the dynamics of the Russian economy and sanctions in the sphere of civil aviation 00:00 Kirill Rogov on civil aviation in Russia 01:59 "Russia admitted that not a single plane was made" 05:11 Two strategies that can help civil aviation in Russia 07:47 On systems for circumventing sanctions 08:57 On the report "a reliable rear of the dictator" by Aleksashenko, Inozemtsev and Nekrasov 09:34 "There is no need to exaggerate the degree of stability of the Russian economy" Re:Russia Materials Strategy does not take off: the civil aviation sector faces the prospect of "cannibalization", cabotage and a reduction in passenger traffic: https://re-russia.net/analytics/0219/ Cooling with heating: the Russian economy is slowing down in the civilian sector, but not in the military: https://re-russia.net/review/791/ Subscribe to our Telegram: https://t.me/BILD_Russian