🍀I invite you to the New Garden Channel 👉 / @annaskorupska Growing Tomatoes in Pots on the balcony or terrace. How to plant TOMATOES in pots. In this instructional video I tell you how to plant and grow tomatoes in pots on the balcony or terrace. In the film I cover the following topics: 0:00 intro 0:26 what size pot to grow tomatoes 0:38 when to plant tomatoes in pots 0:45 how much sun does a tomato need 0:52 what tomato varieties to grow in pots 01:21 what pot to choose for growing tomatoes, what to look for 01:57 what soil to use for growing tomatoes in pots 03:03 preparing tomato seedlings before planting 03:29 pruning leaves 04:17 picking off tomato flower buds 04:40 tomato supports - how to make them and why 05:19 tying tomatoes to a support 05:49 how to plant tomatoes, how deep 06:09 how to water tomatoes grown in pots 07:36 what to do when tomato seedlings dry out 07:55 how, when and with what to fertilize tomatoes 08:18 tomato diseases and pests 09:30 strengthening tomatoes with humic acids 10:17 cutting out tomato suckers 11:15 what to plant with tomatoes in a pot I hope the video will be useful best regards Anna Presented products: Humic acids Rosahumus in sachets ➡️ https://bit.ly/3483jge Humic acids Rosahumus Concentrate➡️ https://bit.ly/3wpST7x Limocide preparation for pests, fungal diseases➡️ https://bit.ly/344ZmbQ Miedzian➡️ https://bit.ly/3fEMxdW Substrate➡️ https://bit.ly/2SZZw1Z I recommend videos: Planting pansies, carnations, primroses in a pot➡️ • Pansies, primroses, carnations as plant... Pots for the balcony, which ones to choose?➡️ • Pots for the BALCONY, which ones to choose? Disadvantages... 17 tips on how to set up a vegetable garden on the balcony➡️ • 17 tips on how to set up a vegetable garden... In what to plant vegetables herbs - ideas for a vegetable garden➡️ • In what and where to plant, sow vegetables... How to save water in the garden➡️ • How to save WATER in the garden? Way... How to naturally increase yields➡️ • How to NATURALLY increase plans? Way... Which vegetables and herbs for the shade➡️ • VEGETABLE GARDEN in the SHADE. Which Vegetables and herbs... Plants that are worth having in the garden➡️ • PERENNIAL PLANTS and shrubs that you must have in ... Natural fertilizers and sprays ➡️ • Natural sprays and fertilizers from WEEDS...